Thursday 3 July 2008


The fascinating thing about this Presidential election is that Barack Obama is not being overwhelmingly supported because he represents "Change for Washington" or a "New Kind of Politics." He's getting elected because he's a liberal Democrat. A recent poll by CNN showed that the large majority of Americans believe Obama to be a flip-flopper, a political opportunist, and someone who will not change D.C...and yet they support him anyways. Why? He's liberal!

The tipping point has finally been realized - America, with a little help from friends (cough...W...cough) has finally turned the corner towards liberalism. Happy days!

Feminism of the First Lady

I didn't support her, but Hillary Clinton's defeat in the Democratic primary was a shame. Her loss was truly a result of blatant and ignorant sexism. The predominant portrayal of Hillary Clinton was that she was "a big bitch." She was shown as shrill, aggressive, and unfeminine. She was questioned as to why she wore pantsuits instead of more girly attire. Seriously, it was a backwards, hateful, misogynist shit-show that cost her the nomination.

Alas, a great opportunity for feminism was lost with Clinton's defeat. But a new opportunity arises with the position of First Lady. Who better to promote the feminist cause as First Lady than a strong black woman? Michelle Obama has the confidence, accomplishment and intellectual weight to serve as a true beacon for the movement.

Keep Attacking

I hope that Wes Clark's recent attacks on McCain's credibility to serve as President are a calculated decision by the Obama campaign. I hope this because it would indicate to me that Obama is willing to attack McCain at his perceived "strengths" rather than allow McCain to walk all over him on national security cred.

Wesley Clark has been delightfully insistent that McCain's military service and time as a POW in Vietnam do not in any way prepare him for the Presidency, and do not make him better equipped to be Commander in Chief. My hope is that more situations like this come about as a result:

From ABC:

McCain became visibly angry when I asked him to explain how his Vietnam experience prepared him for the Presidency.

"Please," he said, recoiling back in his seat in distaste at the very question.

McCain allies Sen. Lindsey Graham stepped in to rescue him. Graham expressed admiration for McCain’s stance on the treatment of detainees in US custody.

You see, Wesley Clark is actually correct, and McCain has no answer to the contrary. If people actually begin questioning McCain on this perceived strength of his, as Clark did, he will be forced to go on the defensive in an area that he clearly wants to go on the offensive with. A candidate who is behind in the polls having to go defensive is not good news for his campaign. So, I say: keep up the attacks!

Wednesday 2 July 2008


From today's Wall Street Journal:
Mr. Mangoma uses a 10 million Zimbabwe dollar bank note, worth 0.00008 of a U.S. cent, as a bookmark because he "doesn't care if he loses it."
Robert Mugabe's sham election victory marks yet another stepping stone on Zimbabwe's march towards complete demise. One million percent inflation, an incompetent dictator at the head of a brutal police state, and an impoverished people: this is a truly miserable state of affairs.

What can the West do? Absolutely nothing. It's morally excruciating to admit, but any action the West takes will at best be ineffective and at worst will aggravate matters further. This is an African problem - one that, for the sake of Zimbabwe's people, Africa needs to figure out rather quickly. Perchance Mbeki can find somewhere in his conscious the conviction to disavow his former comrade-in-arms?

Thursday 19 June 2008

Dinner With The President

That's me, with Georgian Senator Saxby Chambliss. This guy received monetary gifts from famed corrupt-lobbyist extraordinaire, Jack Ambramoff. In 2001 he said he wanted to "turn the sheriff loose and arrest every Muslim that crosses the state line." Woo Republicans!

The President's Dinner was the most bizarre display of partisan hackery I have yet witnessed. The reception preceding the dinner consisted of lobbyists hurriedly scurrying around the room trying to hob-nob with as many congressmen as possible, offering effusive praise and worried tsk-tsks about the state of the Republican Party along the way. Everyone eventually got seated at dinner, and the fun began.

Speeches by the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, John Boehner, and the Senate, Mitch McConnell, began the evening. McConnell was particularly strident in his criticism of the Democratic Party. Especially amusing was his claim that the Democrats' vision for the United States is "very different from what the Founders envisioned, and very dangerous." Uh-huh.

I began to look around the room and take stock of those in attendance. I made a quick observation: far more cowboy hats than black people. In fact, I saw three black people all night. The remaining thousand or so attendants were as pasty white as can be. Another observation: short men. Everywhere! It is an interesting phenomenon that short men opt for the Grand Old Party, but I suppose it makes sense.

An old guy with a really long white beard entertained us with country music as our dinner was served, and then an Irishman sang God Bless America. Americans, especially Republicans I've found, get a huge kick out of hearing foreigners (especially Euros) sing God Bless America, the national anthem, or some other patriotic sing-song that affirms America's superiority. It's as if we're saying, see! America IS the Greatest Country on Earth, even the Europeans think so! Republicans love that shit.

Then, George W. Bush himself walked into the room. Everyone stood up and began applauding. I felt sick. A Congressman from Texas introduced the President, and it was then that I realized why Democrats are going to win overwhelming majorities in Congress, as well as take the Presidency, in November - these guys are clueless. The Congressman said, "Before he was elected President, George W. Bush made a solemn promise to uphold the dignity and honor of the office, and he has kept his word!" Yeah, right. The ten minute speech that this Congressman gave was the most ridiculously laudatory speech I have ever heard. How can anyone take the Republicans seriously when they are sucking the dick of a President who has the lowest approval rating of any President in United States history?

Oh, but the kicker from this Congressman: "When all is said and done, and history looks back on this President, people will consider him the Winston Churchill of our generation." I couldn't help but burst out laughing, and the Congressman from Alabama sitting next to me gave me a nasty glare. I mean, are you SERIOUS? You're comparing the guy who won World War II against Adolph Hitler to a mockery of a President who illegally waged a war and LOST against a third world country? Republicans are beyond delusional.

Bush's speech was the expected partisan diatribe against the evil Democrats ruining our country. The interesting thing was, he kept repeating over and over that Republicans would regain majorities in Congress and that John McCain would be our next President. I found this interesting - he's speaking to the most supportive crowd he can possibly muster, and yet it seems as if he's giving a stump speech for Republicans. Why? What's the point? First of all, everyone knows that Republicans aren't going to gain majorities in Congress - there's just no chance. And secondly, everyone there was going to vote Republican anyway. It really seemed like Bush was too lazy to conjure up a speech with anything substantive and decided instead to go with the speech that would get him a lot of applause and let him feel good about himself.

In all, the dinner was both eye-opening and throw-up-in-my-mouth inducing. It also assured to me that the Democrats are going to rout the Republicans in November. Until Republicans can evince themselves of the anti-intellectual partisanship that Americans are sick of, they are going to suffer at the ballot boxes. But hey, as long as they can wear cowboy hats, listen to country music, and decry those evil, liberal, communist Democrats, it's all good. Right?

John McCain, the Feminist Crusader

Cindy McCain on why women should support her husband: "Supporting our troops the way he does, our young men and women, is very pro-women."

If that is the best example that they can come up with as to why women should support John McCain, his campaign is hopelessly screwed. Because he supports the troops?! What does that have to do with anything related to women?

Oh, right. It doesn't.

Saturday 14 June 2008

More of Those Annoying "Rights"

John McCain in 2006 on Don Imus's radio show:
"I work in Washington and I know that money corrupts. And I and a lot of other people were trying to stop that corruption. Obviously, from what we've been seeing lately, we didn't complete the job. But I would rather have a clean government than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I'd rather have the clean government."
"Habeas Corpus." "First Amendment rights." Those pesky things!